Saturday, August 23, 2014

IE/IWM -- Income for Weeks 19 thru 23

Oops. Forgot to post the last set of transactions...I consolidated all of the positions and earned enough on the next call sale to cover 5 weeks of income.

Date Group Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-07-28 ACEHI Carried-forward -- -- -- -- -- -- 23 $500.00 --
2014-07-28 ACEHI Carried-forward -- -- -- -- -- -- 22 $500.00 --
2014-07-28 ACEHI Carried-forward -- -- -- -- -- -- 21 $500.00 --
2014-07-28 ACEHI Carried-forward -- -- -- -- -- -- 20 $500.00 --
2014-07-28 ACEHI Carry-forward -- -- -- -- -- -- 19 -$2,000.00 --
2014-07-28 ACEHI STO 17 IWM 9/20 2014 $117 Call Open $3,144.47 27 $1.18 $40.50 $1.03 19 $3,144.47 --
2014-07-28 ACE BTC 17 IWM 8/16 2014 $117 Call -- -$519.11 17 $0.29 $25.50 $0.61 19 -$519.11 --
2014-07-15 H BTC 5 IWM 7/19 2014 $118 Call -- -$20.13 5 $0.03 $4.95 $0.18 19 -$20.13 --
2014-07-14 I STO 5 IWM 7/25 2014 $116 Call Expired $639.85 5 $1.31 $14.95 $0.20 18 $639.85 --
2014-06-27 H STO 5 IWM 7/19 2014 $118 Call Rolled $637.30 5 $1.29 $7.50 $0.20 16 $637.30 --

Monday, July 14, 2014

IE/IWM -- Income for Week 18

The "I" group was rolled out to generate income for week 18. Unfortunately, I forgot to write it at the cost basis, so it's at $116 instead of $120. If that stands, I'll have $2000 of income to generate to make up for the loss of capital, since the cost basis of these shares is $119.80.

Date Group Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-07-14 I STO 5 IWM 7/25 2014 $116 Call Open $639.85 5 $1.31 $14.95 $0.20 18 $639.85 --
2014-07-11 I BTC 5 IWM 7/19 2014 $120 Call -- -$20.13 5 $0.03 $4.95 $0.18 18 -$15.00 --
2014-07-03 I STO 5 IWM 7/19 2014 $120 Call Rolled $582.30 5 $1.18 $7.50 $0.20 17 $582.30 --

Thursday, July 3, 2014

IE/IWM -- Income for Week 17

The "I" group was rolled up and out to generate income for week 17. The -$15 reduction of income on the BTC order reflects the extrinsic value remaining on the call at the point the transaction was made. The new cost basis of the 500 shares is $119.80. 

Date Group Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-07-03 I STO 5 IWM 7/19 2014 $120 Call Open $582.30 5 $1.18 $7.50 $0.20 17 $582.30 --
2014-07-03 I BTC 5 IWM 7/3 2014 $118 Call -- -$897.68 5 $1.78 $7.50 $0.18 17 -$15.00 --
2014-06-20 I STO 5 IWM 7/3 2014 $118 Call Rolled $564.85 5 $1.16 $14.95 $0.20 15 $564.85 --
2014-06-20 I Buy 500 Shares IWM Open -$59,028.95 500 $118.04 $8.95 $0.00 15 -- 18

Friday, June 27, 2014

IE/IWM -- Income for Week 16

The "H" group was rolled up and out to generate income for week 16. The -$65 reduction of income on the BTC order reflects the extrinsic value remaining on the call at the point the transaction was made. The new cost basis of the 500 shares is $117.30.
Date Group Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-06-27 H STO 5 IWM 7/19 2014 $118 Call Open $637.30 5 $1.29 $7.50 $0.20 16 $637.30 --
2014-06-27 H BTC 5 IWM 6/27 2014 $116 Call -- -$922.68 5 $1.83 $7.50 $0.18 16 -$65.00 --
2014-06-13 H STO 5 IWM 6/27 2014 $116 Call Rolled $584.85 5 $1.20 $14.95 $0.20 14 $584.85 --
2014-06-12 H Buy 500 Shares IWM Open -$57,808.95 500 $115.60 $8.95 $0.00 13 -- 16

Friday, June 20, 2014

IE/IWM -- Income for Week 15

A new position was initiated to generate income for week 15:

Date Group Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-06-20 I STO 5 IWM 7/3 2014 $118 Call Open $564.85 5 $1.16 $14.95 $0.20 15 $564.85 --
2014-06-20 I Buy 500 Shares IWM Open -$59,028.95 500 $118.04 $8.95 $0.00 15 -- 16

Saturday, June 14, 2014

IE/IWM -- Income for Week 14

A new position was initiated to generate income for week 14:

Date Group Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-06-13 H STO 5 IWM 6/27 2014 $116 Call Open $584.85 5 $1.20 $14.95 $0.20 14 $584.85 --
2014-06-12 H Buy 500 Shares IWM Open -$57,808.95 500 $115.60 $8.95 $0.00 13 -- 15

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

IE/IWM -- Income for Week 13, Writeoff of Group B shares

Because of the run-up in price recently, I decided to close out the group B shares. That meant I needed to generate enough income in week 13 to cover the capital loss on the B shares, caused by writing them down from $117.06 to $113.43. 

I rolled out the remaining 17 calls 6 weeks to 8/16 2014 to generate the income for week 13 and to cover the write-off costs. I'm ending up a bit short of the $500 goal for the week, but since other weeks were well over $500, I'm not going to worry too much about it.

Date Group Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-05-27 ACE STO 17 IWM 8/16 2014 $117 Call Open $2,540.83 17 $1.51 $25.50 $0.67 13 $2,540.83 --
2014-05-27 ACE BTC 17 IWM 6/6 2014 $117 Call -- -$298.11 17 $0.16 $25.50 $0.61 13 -$298.11 --
2014-05-27 B BTC 5 IWM 6/6 2014 $117 Call -- -$105.13 5 $0.18 $14.95 $0.18 13 -$105.13 --
2014-05-27 B Capital Loss on 500 shares -- -$1,834.16 500 -- -- -- 13 -$1,834.16 --
2014-05-27 B Sell 500 Shares IWM Closed $56,704.79 500 $113.43 $8.95 $1.26 -- -- --