Sunday, December 31, 2017

Status for month ending 2017-12-31

WFC was finally closed. It set a new record for the longest held position.

Currently open positions:


Positions closed this month:


Combined XIRR on these closed positions was 10.2%. 

Edit: The 36 positions closed this year had a combined XIRR of 22.1%.

Overall results:

Method   TotalOpenClosedTotalOpenClosedTotalOpenClosed

Friday, December 29, 2017

WFC -- Closed RSI(2) Play

WFC closed ITM today (finally), so it will be exercised tonight:

Date Description AmountROIaROIProfit
2017-03-20Buy WFC @ $57.90-$57.90
2017-03-20Sell WFC 3/24 2017 $57.50 Call @ $0.75$0.75
2017-03-28Sell WFC 5/5 2017 $57.50 Call @ $0.80$0.80
2017-04-13Buy WFC 5/5 2017 $57.50 Call @ $0.03-$0.03
2017-05-03Div WFC @ $0.38$0.38
2017-06-29Sell WFC 7/21 2017 $57.50 Call @ $0.49$0.49
2017-07-18Buy WFC 7/21 2017 $57.50 Call @ $0.01-$0.01
2017-08-02Div WFC @ $0.39$0.39
2017-11-02Div WFC @ $0.39$0.39
2017-11-28Sell WFC 12/29 2017 $57.50 Call @ $0.55$0.55
2017-12-29Asgn WFC @ $57.50$57.505.72%7.32%$3.31
2017-12-29Buy and Hold$60.676.79%--$3.93

Friday, December 15, 2017

LOW -- Closed CC-List Position

LOW closed ITM today, so the call should be exercised tonight:

Date Description AmountROIaROIProfit
2017-10-24Buy LOW @ $80.93-$80.93
2017-10-24Sell LOW 10/27 2017 $81.00 Call @ $0.54$0.54
2017-10-31Sell LOW 11/10 2017 $81.00 Call @ $0.60$0.60
2017-11-13Sell LOW 12/15 2017 $80.00 Call @ $1.59$1.59
2017-12-15Asgn LOW @ $80.00$80.002.22%15.32%$1.80
2017-12-15Current value$80.002.22%15.32%$1.80
2017-12-15Buy and Hold$86.687.10%--$5.75

Friday, December 1, 2017

TGT -- Closed RSI(2) Play

TGT closed (far) ITM, so the call should be exercised tonight:

Date Description AmountROIaROIProfit
2017-11-27Buy TGT @ $55.45-$55.45
2017-11-27Sell TGT 12/1 2017 $55.50 Call @ $0.75$0.75
2017-12-01Asgn TGT @ $55.50$55.501.44%104.79%$0.80
2017-12-01Current value$55.501.44%104.79%$0.80
2017-12-01Buy and Hold$59.507.30%--$4.05

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Status for month ending 2017-11-30

Currently open positions:

ReasonTickerBought onPaidDiv/ShOpt/ShEndingClosedDaysP/LC-ROI

Positions closed this month:

ReasonTickerBought onPaidDiv/ShOpt/ShEndingClosedDaysP/LC-ROIC-aROI

Overall results:

 XIRR   Count   Days  
MethodTotalOpenClosed TotalOpenClosed TotalOpenClosed
CC-List20.3%18.4%151.3% 431
Dividend22.6%0.0%22.6% 35035
RSI(2)13.7%3.4%24.8% 15312 41.5101.326.5
RSI(2)/327.7%-6.1%79.4% 1028 34.187.520.8
RSI(2)/C999.0%999.0%0.0% 440

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

TGT -- CC-List play rolled out

Since the price rallied today, I was able to write a new call to replace the one that expired last week:

Date Description AmountROIaROIProfit
2017-10-23Buy TGT @ $63.22-$63.22
2017-10-23Sell TGT 10/27 2017 $63.00 Call @ $0.72$0.72
2017-11-10Sell TGT 11/24 2017 $63.00 Call @ $0.95$0.95
2017-11-14Div TGT @ $0.62$0.62
2017-11-29Sell TGT 1/5 2018 $63.00 Call @ $1.05$1.05
2018-01-05If assigned at expiration$63.004.94%24.05%$3.12
2017-11-29Current value$60.871.58%15.15%$1.00
2017-11-29Buy and Hold$60.87-2.73%---$1.72

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

JNJ -- CC-List Position rolled out

Since the price rallied a bit today, I was able to write a new call to replace the one that expired a few weeks ago:

Date Description AmountROIaROIProfit
2017-10-23Buy JNJ @ $143.99-$143.99
2017-10-31Sell JNJ 11/17 2017 $144.00 Call @ $0.40$0.40
2017-11-15Buy JNJ 11/17 2017 $144.00 Call @ $0.01-$0.01
2017-11-27Div JNJ @ $0.84$0.84
2017-11-28Sell JNJ 12/29 2017 $144.00 Call @ $0.65$0.65
2017-12-29If assigned at expiration$144.001.31%7.04%$1.89
2017-11-28Current value$140.22-1.31%-12.96%-$1.89
2017-11-28Buy and Hold$140.22-2.04%---$2.93

WFC -- RSI(2) Play rolled out

Since the price rallied a bit today, I was able to write a new call to replace the one that expired several months ago:

Date Description AmountROIaROIProfit
2017-03-20Buy WFC @ $57.90-$57.90
2017-03-20Sell WFC 3/24 2017 $57.50 Call @ $0.75$0.75
2017-03-28Sell WFC 5/5 2017 $57.50 Call @ $0.80$0.80
2017-04-13Buy WFC 5/5 2017 $57.50 Call @ $0.03-$0.03
2017-05-03Div WFC @ $0.38$0.38
2017-06-29Sell WFC 7/21 2017 $57.50 Call @ $0.49$0.49
2017-07-18Buy WFC 7/21 2017 $57.50 Call @ $0.01-$0.01
2017-08-02Div WFC @ $0.39$0.39
2017-11-02Div WFC @ $0.39$0.39
2017-11-28Sell WFC 12/29 2017 $57.50 Call @ $0.55$0.55
2017-12-29If assigned at expiration$57.505.72%7.32%$3.31
2017-11-28Current value$55.622.47%3.55%$1.43
2017-11-28Buy and Hold$55.62-1.93%---$1.12

Monday, November 27, 2017

TGT -- New RSI(2) Play

Started a new RSI(2) covered call on TGT:

Date Description AmountROIaROIProfit
2017-11-27Buy TGT @ $55.45-$55.45
2017-11-27Sell TGT 12/1 2017 $55.50 Call @ $0.75$0.75
2017-12-01If assigned at expiration$55.501.44%104.79%$0.80
2017-11-27Current value$55.501.44%523.93%$0.80
2017-11-27Buy and Hold$55.520.11%--$0.06

Monday, November 20, 2017

Intro to RSI(2)/C Strategy

I'm starting a new strategy buying calls, based on the "RSI(2) < 10" trigger. The process will be:
  1. Look at RSI(2) triggers, using a universe of Dividend Champions, Dow Jones stocks, and a number of index-based ETFs.
  2. If any are usable as a covered call play for a near-term weekly option expiration, either a "Dividend Play" or an "RSI(2) Play", do that. Or if any are feasible for the "RSI(2)/3" strategy on a near-term weekly option, do that. Otherwise, since covered calls aren't viable, how about the opposite side -- buying the call? That is:
  3. Check the calls for the monthly expiration date that is 45 to 60 days out. I chose this time period because most of the closed positions resulting from RSI(2) have closed by then.
  4. I'm basing my position size on controlling $35,000 worth of the stock, and setting a profit goal of $1,000 (the 3% profit goal I've used on the "RSI(2)/3").
  5. I've created a grid that allows me to look at annual ROI of a covered call (excluding dividend, for now) versus the run-up in price needed to match that profit goal. It will basically be a trade-off between larger cost and more likely success versus smaller cost and less likely success. I would like to make a choice mechanical, but haven't gotten to that point yet. Maybe utilizing the Greeks of the options?
One disadvantage to this strategy is it starts out in negative territory, based on having to buy it near the ask price and having to settle with selling it near the bid price.

For example, MRK is currently at an RSI(2) of 8.8. I didn't see a good covered call to write on it in a near-term weekly expiration, so I looked at the possible calls on the 2018-01-19 expiration date:

Ticker/Input Expiry:MRK01-19
Yahoo Ticker SymbolsPrice/BidAskStrikeExtrinsicaROICostNeed

So, just based on the higher aROI values, I'd rule out the $45, $47.50, $52.50, and $55 strikes. But the needed runup for strikes $57.50, $60, and $62.5 would rule them out. That would leave me with the $50 strike. However, that's a bit more than I'd want to invest in the strategy, so I'd pass at this time.

Having said that, I did start a position in MRK earlier today. It was one of three positions I started:


I have already set limit prices on each to sell them at their goal prices ("Limit" column above).

As an example of the "end play" on a position, here is a paper position I started over a month ago that would expire this Friday:


If this were a real position, I would be closing it tomorrow rather than wait to see what the rest of the week holds.