Friday, June 27, 2014

IE/IWM -- Income for Week 16

The "H" group was rolled up and out to generate income for week 16. The -$65 reduction of income on the BTC order reflects the extrinsic value remaining on the call at the point the transaction was made. The new cost basis of the 500 shares is $117.30.
Date Group Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-06-27 H STO 5 IWM 7/19 2014 $118 Call Open $637.30 5 $1.29 $7.50 $0.20 16 $637.30 --
2014-06-27 H BTC 5 IWM 6/27 2014 $116 Call -- -$922.68 5 $1.83 $7.50 $0.18 16 -$65.00 --
2014-06-13 H STO 5 IWM 6/27 2014 $116 Call Rolled $584.85 5 $1.20 $14.95 $0.20 14 $584.85 --
2014-06-12 H Buy 500 Shares IWM Open -$57,808.95 500 $115.60 $8.95 $0.00 13 -- 16

Friday, June 20, 2014

IE/IWM -- Income for Week 15

A new position was initiated to generate income for week 15:

Date Group Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-06-20 I STO 5 IWM 7/3 2014 $118 Call Open $564.85 5 $1.16 $14.95 $0.20 15 $564.85 --
2014-06-20 I Buy 500 Shares IWM Open -$59,028.95 500 $118.04 $8.95 $0.00 15 -- 16

Saturday, June 14, 2014

IE/IWM -- Income for Week 14

A new position was initiated to generate income for week 14:

Date Group Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-06-13 H STO 5 IWM 6/27 2014 $116 Call Open $584.85 5 $1.20 $14.95 $0.20 14 $584.85 --
2014-06-12 H Buy 500 Shares IWM Open -$57,808.95 500 $115.60 $8.95 $0.00 13 -- 15