Monday, August 3, 2009

Transaction and Analysis Ledger -- Update

To the left is what my current ledger page looks like for a given ETF or stock. The yellow-shaded cells are input cells. Everything else uses my SMF add-in to grab the necessary data from the Internet:

SMF Add-in Yahoo Group

C1:D1 allow me to display a chart (see below).

Q1 allows me to toggle update of all data, just by changing the drop-down box values (1 thru 8).

E16 allows me to enter an outstanding buyback price I have on the call, so that it will show up in my summary sheet.

Rows 17 thru 20 allow me to see the ledger entry changes in aXIRR and aROI if I roll the current position to the call ticker symbol entered in cell Q20. I also use these rows to paste my new transactions into the "real" portion of the ledger.

Q24:Q54 allow me to enter the a series of call ticker symbols to see what the premiums are for each and the relative effect of rolling to that call. A variation of rows 22 thru 54 can be found in the files area of the JustCoveredCalls group, although the "Alert" and "aRIU" calculations are different. In this case, the gray-shaded cells highlight my current call and the green-shaded cells highlight the call of highest aROI, Payback, and Premium (typically the same call).

To the left is what I would see if I were to use the drop-down boxes in cells C1 and D1 to request a Yahoo chart. I can only ask for the particular stock that the ledger page is for, but the timeframe can be easily varied.


  1. Great Tool Randy,

    Can you share that excel spreadsheet with us as well?

  2. I've uploaded a sample copy to the files area of this Yahoo group:

    The file is:

