Thursday, May 15, 2014

IE/IWM -- Income for Week 12

With the dip in price, I initiated a new position to earn the income for week 12:

Date Group Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-05-15 G STO 3 IWM 5/30 2014 $108 Call Open $506.92 3 $1.74 $14.95 $0.13 12 $506.92 --
2014-05-15 G Buy 300 Shares IWM Open -$32,420.95 300 $108.04 $8.95 $0.00 9 -- 11


  1. Timely entry Randy, congratulations. Could you tell what made you trade that day, are you suing indicators? are you observing a daily chart or else?
    Thank you for sharing and have a good Memorial long W/E

  2. See:

    At the time, I was still playing around with RSI(2) and other parameters in my workbook, and it gave me instructions to do a buy/write @ $106.30 if IWM dropped below $108. I might not have put in the order if it had needed more than 300 shares of IWM.

    On the evening of 5/14, the next day triggers were:

    RSI(2) = 15 @ $108.72
    RSI(2) = 10 @ $107.46

    But we haven't reached the expiration date yet...
