Wednesday, April 30, 2014

IE/IWM -- Income for Week 9

In addition to doing a buy/write to generate week 9 income, there was also a $0.02 limit order triggered:

Date Group Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-04-30 F STO 4 IWM 5/9 2014 $110 Call Open $668.89 4 $1.71 $14.95 $0.16 9 $668.89 --
2014-04-30 F Buy 400 Shares IWM Open -$44,060.95 400 $110.13 $8.95 $0.00 7 -- 8
2014-04-28 A BTC 8 IWM 5/9 2014 $119 Call -- -$21.23 8 $0.02 $4.95 $0.28 2 -$21.23 --
2014-03-18 A Buy 800 Shares IWM Open -$95,520.95 800 $119.39 $8.95 $0.00 1 -- 8

So now I have 800 shares, cost basis $119, that I need to sell calls on. Currently, that would mean going out to the 2014-07-09 expiration date. Since the calls on another 1000 shares are near the $0.02 limit order, I'm going to wait a bit before selling new calls.

I should note that I tried something different for today's orders. I've toyed with a 2-day RSI in the past. I used them to place contingent orders for today. The above buy/write was one of those contingent orders. That order was written as:

-- If the price of IWM drops below $110.17,
-- Then do a buy/write of 400 shares of IWM and four 5/9 2014 $110 calls for a net of $108.60.

I ended up with a net of $108.42 (before transaction costs), so that worked out. I used the 2-day RSI value of 10 to find the trigger price. This is what my workbook had:

Next Intraday Price Next 2-Day RSI Description
$110.18 10.0000 <=== Buy Target Price
$115.17 90.0000 <=== Sell Target Price

I also have a contingent order for selling the calls for the 800 share of IWM that were bought at $119. It says:

-- If the price of IWM rises above $115,
-- Then sell eight 5/17 2014 $119 calls with a limit price of $0.85

My limit prices were set based on how the data looked at yesterday's closing prices.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

IE/IWM -- Income for Week 8

I did the buy/write for week 8:
Total Income and ROI ==> $5,013.47 6.5%
Current Price and Gain/Loss on shares ==> -$6,496.80 $113.93
Cost basis of currently held shares ==> -$257,142.80 2200 -$116.88
Date Group Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-04-23 E STO 4 IWM 5/2 2014 $114 Call Open $500.89 4 $1.29 $14.95 $0.16 8 $500.89 --
2014-04-23 E Buy 400 Shares IWM Open -$45,568.95 400 $113.90 $8.95 $0.00 6 -- 7

Friday, April 18, 2014

IE/IWM -- Calls exercised

The buy/write order from last week for week 7 income was assigned this week. Since I'm ahead on the week's income coverage, there was no need to take any action this week.

Date Group Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-04-18 D Assigned 400 Shares IWM Closed $44,385.05 400 $111.00 $14.95 $0.00 -- -- --
2014-04-11 D STO 4 IWM 4/19 2014 $111 Call Called $484.89 4 $1.25 $14.95 $0.16 7 $484.89 --
2014-04-11 D Buy 400 Shares IWM Closed -$44,292.95 400 $110.71 $8.95 $0.00 4 -- 5

Monday, April 14, 2014

IE/IWM -- A few thoughts...

It's still early, but the three things I've learned so far in this experiment:

  1. Starting out mid-week was a mistake. It meant the starting position needed to be larger than normal to meet the profit goal. This required a larger stake of the starting cash balance.

  2. The $0.02 limit orders are valuable. First, they provide a cheap way out of a position (with low commissions from O/X). Second, they allow the next position to be written early, earning more extrinsic value. Easily worth the cost of not letting them expire. Third, it can allow an early exit because of an intra-day fluctuation in price.

    $0.03 or $0.04 might be better exit points. But I'll stick with $0.02 for now.

  3. As the price of the underlying drops, option premiums go up. So a follow-up position may earn $500 on a smaller position -- both in smaller number of shares AND in the price of the underlying.

    Since calls are supposed to be written OTM, if the underlying price ever does go back up, there would also be additional profits not included in the weekly income.

Friday, April 11, 2014

IE/IWM -- Income for Week 7

I went ahead with a buy/write to generate income for week 7. This puts me about 50% into the starting cash portfolio. However, I am also 3 weeks ahead in income generation.

In hindsight, being anxious to start, starting mid-week on the first position was probably a mistake. I had to do the buy/write on 800 shares to generate the weekly income when there was only half a week left. If I had done it with an expiration of the following week, it probably would have been half that (or less).

But, that's what this experiment is about. Finding the issues that might arise.

Date/Time Group Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-04-11 15:43 D STO 4 IWM 4/19 2014 $111 Call Open $484.89 4 $1.25 $14.95 $0.16 7 $484.89 --
2014-04-11 15:43 D Buy 400 Shares IWM Open -$44,292.95 400 $110.71 $8.95 $0.00 4 -- 5

IE/IWM -- Income for Week 6

I added a "Group" column to indicate which purchase group transactions are related to. Transactions related to week 6 income generation are shaded yellow. The $0.02 limit orders closed out the outstanding calls for groups "B" and "C", so I had 1000 shares to use to generate income for week 6. I went with the 5/9 $116 Call so that they had the same expiration date as the outstanding call on group "A", which gave a bit more than the $500 goal for the week.

$4,027.69  <== Total Income
-$10,765.85 $111.56  <== Current Price and Gain/Loss on shares
-$211,573.85 1800 -$117.54  <== Cost basis of currently held shares
Date/Time Group Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-04-11 10:54 BC STO 10 IWM 5/9 2014 $116 Call Open $804.62 10 $0.82 $15.00 $0.38 6 $804.62 --
2014-04-11 09:30 C BTC 5 IWM 4/11 2014 $115 Call -- -$15.13 5 $0.02 $4.95 $0.18 5 -$15.13 --
2014-04-10 11:00 B BTC 5 IWM 4/11 2014 $117 Call -- -$15.13 5 $0.02 $4.95 $0.18 4 -$15.13 --
2014-04-04 12:34 C STO 5 IWM 4/11 2014 $115 Call Rolled $624.85 5 $1.28 $14.95 $0.20 5 $624.85 --
2014-04-04 12:34 C Buy 500 Shares IWM Open -$57,513.95 500 $115.01 $8.95 $0.00 4 -- 8
2014-04-03 15:00 B STO 5 IWM 4/11 2014 $117 Call Rolled $629.85 5 $1.29 $14.95 $0.20 4 $629.85 --
2014-04-03 15:00 B Buy 500 Shares IWM Open -$58,538.95 500 $117.06 $8.95 $0.00 4 -- 8
2014-03-27 14:30 A STO 8 IWM 5/9 2014 $119 Call Open $776.75 8 $0.99 $14.95 $0.30 3 $776.75 --
2014-03-27 13:52 A BTC 8 IWM 3/28 2014 $116 Call -- -$21.23 8 $0.02 $4.95 $0.28 2 -$21.23 --
2014-03-25 00:00 A Dividend of $0.302 per share -- $241.60 800 $0.30 $0.00 $0.00 2 $241.60 --
2014-03-24 12:04 A STO 8 IWM 3/28 2014 $116 Call Rolled $584.75 8 $0.75 $14.95 $0.30 2 $584.75 --
2014-03-18 12:34 A STO 8 IWM 3/22 2014 $120 Call Expired $416.76 8 $0.54 $14.95 $0.29 1 $416.76 --
2014-03-18 12:34 A Buy 800 Shares IWM Open -$95,520.95 800 $119.39 $8.95 $0.00 1 -- 8
Week Ending: Cost basis Shares Price Week Income aROI
2014-03-21 -$95,520.95 800 -$119.40 1 $416.76 22.69%
2014-03-28 -$95,520.95 800 -$119.40 2 $805.12 33.26%
2014-04-04 -$95,520.95 800 -$119.40 3 $776.75 36.27%
2014-04-11 -$211,573.85 1800 -$117.54 4 $614.72 16.06%
2014-04-18 -$211,573.85 1800 -$117.54 5 $609.72 15.84%
2014-04-25 -$211,573.85 1800 -$117.54 6 $804.62 16.50%
2014-05-02 -$211,573.85 1800 -$117.54 7 $0.00 14.14%
2014-05-09 -$211,573.85 1800 -$117.54 8 $0.00 12.37%
1. Sell enough shares and calls to earn at least $500 income per week (0.1% of cash portfolio value)
2. Never sell calls below cost basis (roll out as needed)
3. Set a limit order of $0.02 per share on each new call position

Thursday, April 10, 2014

IE/IWM -- Initial posting

Covered Call "Income Experiment"

I've decided to try a little "Income Experiment" on OptionXPress's Virtual Trader, using IWM. This is based on the concept of only worrying about income generation and not caring about the market value of the holdings.
Three trading rules:

  1. Sell enough shares and calls to earn at least $500 income per week (0.1% of cash portfolio value)
  2. Never sell calls below cost basis (roll out in time as needed)
  3. Set a limit order of $0.02 per share on each new call position

Transactions so far (related transactions are color coded):

Date/Time Description Result Total Shares Price Comm Fees Week Income Week2
2014-04-10 11:00 BTC 5 IWM 4/11 2014 $117 Call -- -$15.13 5 $0.02 $4.95 $0.18 4 -$15.13 --
2014-04-04 12:34 STO 5 IWM 4/11 2014 $115 Call Open $624.85 5 $1.28 $14.95 $0.20 5 $624.85 --
2014-04-04 12:34 Buy 500 Shares IWM Open -$57,513.95 500 $115.01 $8.95 $0.00 4 -- 5
2014-04-03 15:00 STO 5 IWM 4/11 2014 $117 Call Rolled $629.85 5 $1.29 $14.95 $0.20 4 $629.85 --
2014-04-03 15:00 Buy 500 Shares IWM Open -$58,538.95 500 $117.06 $8.95 $0.00 4 -- 5
2014-03-27 14:30 STO 8 IWM 5/9 2014 $119 Call Open $776.75 8 $0.99 $14.95 $0.30 3 $776.75 --
2014-03-27 13:52 BTC 8 IWM 3/28 2014 $116 Call -- -$21.23 8 $0.02 $4.95 $0.28 2 -$21.23 --
2014-03-25 00:00 Dividend of $0.302 per share -- $241.60 800 $0.30 $0.00 $0.00 2 $241.60 --
2014-03-24 12:04 STO 8 IWM 3/28 2014 $116 Call Rolled $584.75 8 $0.75 $14.95 $0.30 2 $584.75 --
2014-03-18 12:34 STO 8 IWM 3/22 2014 $120 Call Expired $416.76 8 $0.54 $14.95 $0.29 1 $416.76 --
2014-03-18 12:34 Buy 800 Shares IWM Open -$95,520.95 800 $119.39 $8.95 $0.00 1 -- 8

The "Week" and "Week2" columns are just so I can do the weekly income summary table.

Summary of weekly income generation:

Week Ending Cost basis Shares Price Week Income aROI
2014-03-21 -$95,520.95 800 -$119.40 1 $416.76 22.69%
2014-03-28 -$95,520.95 800 -$119.40 2 $805.12 33.26%
2014-04-04 -$95,520.95 800 -$119.40 3 $776.75 36.27%
2014-04-11 -$211,573.85 1800 -$117.54 4 $614.72 16.06%
2014-04-18 -$211,573.85 1800 -$117.54 5 $624.85 15.92%
2014-04-25 -$95,520.95 800 -$119.40 6 $0.00 29.38%
2014-05-02 -$95,520.95 800 -$119.40 7 $0.00 25.18%
2014-05-09 -$95,520.95 800 -$119.40 8 $0.00 22.04%

Note that the "aROI" column is based on income generate for actual funds invested in IWM, and not the assumed $500,000 cash that I decided was avaialable for the strategy. Part of this experiment is to test the 0.1% weekly assumption.

Weekly explanations:

Week EndingDescription
2014-03-21Initiated a covered call by buying 800 shares of IWM @ $119.39 and selling eight 3/22 $120 calls @ $0.54. A little less than the $500 goal, but it's really only for a half-week.
2014-03-28The eight 3/22 $120 call expired worthless. I sold eight 3/28 $116 calls @ $0.75 for this week's income. Note that I shouldn't have done that, because $116 is below the cost basis of the 800 shares I had bought. In any case, the $0.02 limit order on those calls triggered, to finish out the week. I also managed to pick up $0.302 per share of dividend for the 800 shares of stock.
2014-04-04To generate the income for this week, I sold eight 5/9 $119 calls on the 800 shares of stock I held.
2014-04-11Since the currently held 800 shares of stock are obligated through 5/9, I had to initiate a new position for this week's income -- I bought 500 share of IWM @ $117.06 and sold five 4/11 $117 calls @ $1.29. I did this early, because of the drop in price of IWM. I figured I'd be better off buying them early, at a lower price, then after a recovery. Because I have faith in the recovery. :)

Note that I have since bought back the five 4/11 $117 calls, because the $0.02 per share limit order was triggered.
2014-04-18Because the price of IWM dropped another $2, I again got a head start on this week's income by buying 500 more shares of IWM @ $115.01 and selling the 4/11 $115 calls @ $1.28.
2014-04-25Since it looks like I will have 1000 shares of IWM available at the end of this week, I will use them to generate income for this week. I expect the $0.02 limit order to trigger on the five 4/11 $115 calls sometime on 4/11. At which time, I will sell calls on 1000 shares of IWM at a cost basis of about $116. The prices will determine which expiration date I use.