Monday, June 20, 2016

RSI(2) Plays...MMM

 Bought on short-term price weakness identified by RSI(2).

Date Activity Quantity Symbol/Description Price Net AmountROIaROI
2016-06-17Assigned-1,000MMM - 3M CO$167.50$167,471.35
2016-06-10Sell -10MMM June 17, 2016 $167.50 Call $1.96$1,939.65
2016-06-10Buy 1,000MMM - 3M CO $168.30-$168,300.000.66%34.42%


  1. I recently came across your blog as I am contemplating employing some covered call strategies. Would you mind sharing your current ledger setup? I was not able to locate the file you had added a few years ago to the yahoo group. THANK YOU

  2. Right now, I'm just cutting and pasting my activity log from my broker, reformatting it, and calculating the ROI and aROI. It only takes about a minute to do...

    I've used several formats in the past, depending on the type of reporting and analysis I wanted to do. What did you have in mind? Something SMF-based?

    I think my basic one had equity ticker, current call ticker, and did some calculations based on data retrieved from the Internet?

  3. Yes, I thought that there was a more elaborate SMF-based spreadsheet that you were using which kept a record of the trades and monitored them along with some broader indicators. Sounds like you have moved away from that. I'm trying to figure out how to best handle the position/risk monitoring and recordkeeping aspect before I get too deep into covered calls. Any thoughts/suggestions based on your experience would be much appreciated.

  4. I think I found the workbook you're referring to. It's in the FILES area of the justcoveredcall Yahoo group:

    I just uploaded a more recent version I found:

    For completed transactions in the ledger, you'd want to convert everything in the line to values to remove formulas. Otherwise, they'll change over time.

    When the whole thing is free and clear, you could copy the range of values to a database, maybe add another column called "Position" and just number it from 1 to n, so that you can identify each individual set of transactions.
